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        Harmonious Color-          Scheme



In my complementary color scheme I used the primary color blue and used the complementary color orange to create six shades of both colors, three of blue and three of orange. For the emotional quality the painting creates various burst of excitement  and energy with the different shades of oranges to draw attention to the painting with blue shades to calm down from the orange bursts make you feel relaxed and calm to bring a nice contrast between the two colors.

In my split complementary color scheme I used nine shades of 3 colors red, blue-green, and yellow- green which consists of a primary color then the two colors on either side of the complement color. For the emotional quality, the color red to give a sense of warmth and strength to make it more please to the eye then I used blue-green and yellow green to create a cool contrast of calmness and harmony with the union of all three colors combined to make the painting visually pleasing.

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